Contains the names in alphabetical order directly copied from the wiki for even easier access!
Also contains a direct link to the wiki which is the most up to date source for names.
See one not working? Or know one that does work that isn’t listed?
Leave a comment and I’ll update the wiki and the guide accordingly!
If you see a name on here that does not work, or one that is missing that does work, please leave a comment and I’ll correct both the wiki and my list.
Names that contain censored materials have dashes or dots so they remain ledgeable in steams auto censoring guides. Please ignore dashes and or dots in names.
IE: Censored Name: ♥♥♥♥ | Name with dashes:N-a-m-e |Name with dots:N,.,a,.,m,.,e | Name as the game recognises it: Name
Two part names are recognised but only the first part name will count.
It’s only the First name. If you put you name as Liam Neson it codsworth will say “Mr. Liam”
Changing your name latter:
It is possible to change your name via Console Commands.
To doso simply press the ~ key on US keyboards.
After that, Type “showspecialmenu” without the quotation marks.
Press the console key again to close the console.
From the newly displayed screen you can edit your character’s name, at will.
Warning: Do not modify your specials or you will potentially lose any points spent from leveling. I repeat, tampering with specials may reset points spent in special stats!
You can simply press/click the accept button even thought it is greyed out and the game says you have more stats than are allowed. Ignore specials entirely for this and you’ll be safe.
Names on the letter – A
- Aaliyah
- Aaron
- Abigail
- Abram
- Abrams
- Acer
- Adalyn
- Adam
- Adams
- Addison
- Adeline
- Adrian
- Ahn
- Aideen
- Aiden
- Akira
- Al
- Alaina
- Alan
- Alana
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alexandra
- Alexis
- Alice
- Allen
- Allison
- Altman
- Alyssa
- Amanda
- Amelia
- Anderson
- Andersen
- Andonov
- Andrew
- Andy
- Angel
- Angela
- Anna
- Annabelle
- Anthony
- Archer
- Aria
- Arianna
- Asdf
- Ash
- Asher
- Ashford
- Ashley
- Asimov
- A-s-s-f-a-c-e (Ignore the dashes)
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atom
- Atomic
- Atticus
- Aubrey
- Audrey
- Austin
- Autumn
- Ava
- Avery
Names on the letter – B
- Bacon
- Badass
- Bailey
- Baker
- Banner
- Bannerman
- Bannion
- Barnes
- Barron
- Barry
- Bash
- B-a-s-t-a-r-d (Ignore the dashes)
- Battosai
- Batty
- Baudoin
- Bell
- Bella
- Ben
- Benjamin
- Bennell
- Bennett
- Bentley
- Bery
- Bill
- Billy
- Bilodeau
- Black
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blaze
- Bob
- Bobbi
- Bobby
- Bogdanove
- Bond
- Boob
- Boobie
- Boobies
- Boom
- Boston
- Bowman
- Bradley
- Braun
- Brayden
- Brenda
- Brenna
- Brian
- Brianna
- Brick
- Brigner
- Brock
- Brody
- Brooklyn
- Brooks
- Browder
- Brown
- Browne
- Bruce
- Bruckheimer
- Bryan
- Bryant
- Buffy
- Bulger
- Bull
- Burgess
- Burke
- Burt
- Butch
- Butler
Names on the letter – C
- Caden
- Cal
- Caleb
- Callie
- Camden
- Camilla
- Campbell
- Capable
- Carey
- Carnow
- Carofano
- Caroline
- Carson
- Carter
- Carver
- Casserly
- Castle
- Catherine
- Cha
- Chapin
- Chappy
- Charles
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Chase
- Cheng
- Cherise
- Cherry
- CherryBomb
- Chloe
- Chopper
- Chris
- Christian
- Christiane
- Christopher
- Church
- CJ
- Claire
- Clara
- Clark
- Clarke
- Claw
- Clemens
- Clunk
- Cobb
- Cobra
- C-o-c-k (Ignore the dashes)
- Cockerham
- Cole
- Colin
- Collins
- Colton
- Conall
- Connor
- Cook
- Cooke
- Cooper
- Cormac
- Corman
- Cornelius
- Cornett
- Corrie
- Corrine
- Corvo
- Corwin
- Cory
- Cosgrove
- Courtenay
- Courtney
- Cox
- Coyle
- Craig
- Crash
- Cruz
- Cubbison
- Cullen
- Cummings
Names on the letter – D
- Dag
- Damien
- Dan
- Dane
- Danger
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Danny
- Darrel
- Darren
- Darryl
- Daryl
- Dave
- David
- Davis
- Dawson
- Deag
- Death
- Deb
- Debbie
- Deborah
- Deckard
- Declan
- Deitrick
- Delaney
- Dell
- Dennis
- Denton
- Deschain
- Deth
- Diana
- Diane
- DiAngelo
- Diaz
- D-i-c-k (Ignore the dashes)
- DiMaggio
- Dinolt
- DJ
- Django
- Dom
- Domics
- Dominguez
- Dominic
- Don
- Donald
- Dong
- DongJun
- Donnie
- Donny
- Doug
- Douglas
- Dragon
- Draper
- Dulany
- Dutch
- Duvall
- Dylan
Names on the letter – E
- Eagle
- East
- Ed
- Eddie
- Eddy
- Edwards
- Elena
- Eli
- Eliana
- Elijah
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Elliott
- Emil
- Emile
- Emily
- Emma
- Erectus
- Eric
- Erik
- Erin
- Ernest
- Ernie
- Ethan
- Eugene
- Eva
- Evan
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Everdeen
- Everett
Names on the letter – F
- Felipe
- Ferret
- Fifi
- Finn
- Finster
- Fiona
- Fisher
- Flag
- Flagg
- Flash
- Flores
- Flynn
- Foster
- Fox
- Fragile
- Francis
- Franke
- Freeman
- Frost
- F,.,u,.,c,.,k (Ignore the dots)
- F,.,u,.,c,.,k,.,e,.,r (Ignore the dots)
- F,.,u,.,c,.,k,.,f,.,a,.,c,.,e (Ignore the dots)
- Furiosa
- Fury
Names on the letter – G
- Gabriel
- Gabriella
- Gardiner
- Gary
- Gavin
- Gene
- George
- Georgia
- Gerry
- Gianna
- Gil
- Glen
- Gomez
- Gonzalez
- Goose
- Gordon
- Graber
- Grace
- Grant
- Gravato
- Gray
- Grayson
- Greco
- Green
- Greene
- Grey
- Griffin
- Grognak
- Gryphon
- Gutierrez
- Guy
Names on the letter – H
- Hackman
- Hailey
- Hall
- Ham
- Hamilton
- Hamm
- Hammer
- Hammett
- Hamrick
- Han
- Hannah
- Hans
- Harden
- Hardi
- Harold
- Harper
- Harris
- Harry
- Haschart
- Hasenbuhler
- Hastings
- Hawk
- Hawke
- Hazel
- Henning
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hicks
- Hill
- Hines
- Holly
- Holmes
- Hook
- Hopgood
- Houle
- Howard
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Humongous
- Humungus
- Hyun
Names on the letter – I
- Ian
- Ilya
- Imperator
- Indiana
- Indy
- Isaac
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Isaiah
- Ist
- Istvan
Names on the letter – J
- J.P.
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jag
- Jake
- James
- Jangjoon
- Jasmine
- Jason
- Jay
- Jayce
- Jayden
- Jeff
- Jeffery
- Jen
- Jenkins
- Jennifer
- Jeremiah
- Jeremy
- Jerry
- Jerusalem
- Jess
- Jessica
- Jessie
- Jet
- Jim
- Jimmy
- Joan
- Joe
- Joel
- Joey
- John
- Johnson
- Jon
- Jonathan
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordyn
- Joseph
- Josh
- Joshua
- Josiah
- JP
- Juan
- Julia
- Julian
- Juliana
- Justin
Names on the letter – K
- Kaela
- Kaelyn
- Kaitlyn
- Kal
- KalEl
- Kaneda
- Kate
- Katharine
- Katherine
- Katniss
- Kauffman
- Kayla
- Kaylee
- Keira
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kelvin
- Ken
- Kennedy
- Kenshin
- Kevin
- Kieran
- Kim
- King
- Kirk
- Knight
- Krietz
- Kuhlmann
- Kurt
- Kylie
Names on the letter – L
- Lafferty
- Lamb
- Landon
- Lane
- Langlois
- Laura
- Lauren
- Laurie
- Layla
- Lea
- Leah
- Lederer
- Lee
- Leo
- Leon
- Les
- Leslie
- Levi
- Lewis
- Li
- Liam
- Liesegang
- Lila
- Liliana
- Lillian
- Lily
- Lincoln
- Linda
- Lionheart
- Lipari
- Liz
- Logan
- London
- Loner
- Long
- Lopez
- Losi
- Lucas
- Luce
- Lucy
- Luke
- Lundin
- Lupe
- Lynda
Names on the letter – M
- Maam
- Mackenzie
- Macklin
- Madam
- Madeleine
- Madelyn
- Madison
- Makayla
- Mal
- Malcolm
- Mamba
- Mandy
- Mar
- Marcus
- Marge
- Maria
- Marie
- Marji
- Marjorie
- Mark
- Markiepoo
- Marko
- Markus
- Marlowe
- Marsden
- Martin
- Martinez
- Marty
- Mary
- Mason
- Mateo
- Matt
- Matthew
- Matty
- Max
- Maya
- McCoy
- McDyer
- McFly
- McKay
- McPherson
- Means
- Megan
- Meister
- Mejillones
- Mia
- Micah
- Michael
- Michonne
- Miguel
- Mikami
- Mike
- Mila
- Miles
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Mohammed
- Molly
- Monster
- Montana
- Moonves
- Moore
- Morales
- Morgan
- Morgue
- Morpheus
- Morris
- Muck
- Mudguts
- Muhammad
- Mulder
- Muldoon
- Murphy
- Myers
Names on the letter – N
- Nadia
- Nancy
- Nanes
- Nardone
- Nasty
- Natalia
- Natalie
- Natasha
- Nate
- Nathan
- Nathaniel
- Nazarov
- Neary
- Nelson
- Neo
- Nesmith
- Neville
- Nguyen
- Nicholas
- Nico
- Nipple
- Noah
- Nogueira
- Nolan
- Noonan
- Nora
- Norm
- Norman
- Normand
- North
- Northup
- Nourmohammadi
- Nuclear
- Nuke
Names on the letter – O
- Olds
- Oliver
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Olsen
- Olson
- Optical
- O-r-g-a-s-m-o (Ignore the dashes)
- Orin
- Ortiz
- Owen
- Owens
Names on the letter – P
- Pagliarulo
- Palmer
- Paris
- Parker
- Parson
- Pat
- Patrick
- Patty
- Paul
- Pely
- Pendleton
- Penelope
- Perez
- Perry
- Pete
- Peter
- Peterson
- Peyton
- Phil
- Philip
- Phillips
- Picard
- Plissken
- Powell
- Preacher
- Price
- Priest
- Prince
- Princess
- Psycho
- Puma
- Purkey
- Purkeypile
- Python
Names on the letter – Q
- Qin
- Quartermain
- Quatermass
- Queen
- Quinn
Names on the letter – R
- Rabil
- Raf
- Rafael
- Ramirez
- Ramsey
- Randal
- Randall
- Rankin
- Rapp
- Ray
- Raymond
- Reagan
- Red
- Reed
- Reese
- Rex
- Reyes
- Reynolds
- Ricardo
- Richard
- Richards
- Richardson
- Rick
- Ricky
- Rictus
- Riddick
- Riley
- Ripken
- Ripley
- River
- Rivera
- Rob
- Robb
- Robert
- Roberts
- Robinson
- Rock
- Rockatansky
- Rocky
- Rodriguez
- Roger
- Rogers
- Roland
- Rollins
- Romanov
- Romanova
- Romero
- Ron
- Ronald
- Ronnie
- Ronny
- Rook
- Rosa
- Rose
- Ross
- Roy
- Ruby
- Russell
- Ryan
Names on the letter – S
- Sadie
- Sage
- Salvatore
- Sam
- Samantha
- Sammie
- Sammy
- Samuel
- Sanchez
- Sanders
- Sandra
- Sanjuro
- Sara
- Sarah
- Sarse
- Savannah
- Sawyer
- Scarlett
- Schaefer
- Scharf
- Schram
- Schreiber
- Scott
- Scully
- Sears
- Sebastian
- Selena
- Seljenes
- Serena
- Seth
- Sex
- Sexy
- Shane
- Shannon
- Sheiman
- Shen
- Shinji
- Shrike
- Sidney
- Simmons
- Singer
- Sir
- Skyler
- Slaughter
- Slinger
- Slit
- Sloan
- Smirnova
- Smith
- Snake
- Snow
- Snyder
- Solo
- Solomon
- Sophia
- Sophie
- South
- Southie
- Spade
- Spider
- Spike
- Splendid
- Spring
- Springsteen
- Stark
- Stef
- Stella
- Steph
- Stephanie
- Stephen
- Sterling
- Steve
- Steven
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stone
- Struthers
- Stuart
- Sullivan
- Summer
- Sunshine
- Sweetpea
- Sydney
Names on the letter – T
- Tallahassee
- Taylor
- Teare
- Ted
- Teddy
- Teitel
- Tesla
- Tetsuo
- Texas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thorn
- Thorne
- Tiana
- Tim
- Timmy
- Timothy
- T-i-t (Ignore the dashes)
- T-i-t-t-i-e (Ignore the dashes)
- T-i-t-t-i-e-s (Ignore the dashes)
- Toadie
- Toast
- Todd
- Toecutter
- Tom
- Tommy
- Tonon
- Tony
- Torres
- Tracey
- Tracy
- Treadway
- Tresnjak
- Trevor
- Trinity
- Tristan
- Trump
- Tuck
- Turner
- Tyler
Names on the letter – U
Names on the letter – V
- Valenti
- Valentina
- Valkyrie
- Vargas
- Vash
- Venkman
- Vic
- Vicens
- Victoria
- Violet
- Vivian
- Vlatko
Names on the letter – W
- Wagner
- Walker
- Walton
- Wanderer
- Ward
- Washington
- Watson
- Watts
- Wayne
- Webb
- Wells
- Wes
- West
- Weyland
- Wez
- White
- Whitey
- Wikus
- Will
- William
- Williams
- Willy
- Wilson
- Winter
- Wisnewski
- Wood
- Woodward
- Wright
- Wyatt
Names on the letter – X
Names on the letter – Y
- Yan
- Yojimbo
- Yorick
- Young
- Yutani
Names on the letter – Z
- Zachary
- Zdana
- Zed
- Zenith
- Zetta
- Ziggy
- Zip
- Zoe
Original Link – Continuation of discussion