So I’ve got endings A-E and I’m wrapping up everything else, however, I only have 89% unit data, and for this quest, I’m assuming I need 100% to hand it in.
Are there any areas that come to mind where I may have missed unique enemies?
Reconnaissance Squad
95% will do it. Complete list here:
- Standard Units | Small Stubby
- Standard Units | Small Stubby: Gun Equipped
- Standard Units | Small Stubby: Shield Equipped
- Standard Units | Small Stubby: Electromagnetic-shield-equipped
- Standard Units | Multi-tier Type
- Standard Units | Multi-tier Type: Gun Equipped
- Standard Units | Small Biped
- Standard Units | Small Biped: Torch Equipped
- Standard Units | Medium Biped
- Standard Units | Medium Biped: Shield Equipped
- Standard Units | Medium Biped: Electromagnetic Shield Equipped
- Standard Units | Medium Quadruped
- Standard Units | Multi-leg Medium Model
- Standard Units | Multi-leg Medium model: Long-range
- Standard Units | Multi-leg Medium model: Close-range
- Standard Units | Goliath Biped
- Standard Units | Goliath Biped: Enhanced Legpower Model
- Standard Units | Reverse-jointed Goliath
- Standard Units | Small Flyer
- Standard Units | Medium Flyer
- Standard Units | Medium Flyer: Kamikaze Unit
- Standard Units | Medium Flyer: Gunner x2, Kamikaze x2
- Standard Units | Small Exploder
- Standard Units | Medium Exploder
- Standard Units | Small Sphere: Axe-quipped
- Standard Units | Small Sphere: Drill-equipped
- Standard Units | Small Sphere: Gun-equipped
- Standard Units | Linked-sphere Type: Drill-equipped
- Standard Units | Linked-sphere Type: Thorn-equipped
- Standard Units | Linked-sphere Type: Gun-equipped
- Standard Units | Linked-sphere Type: Saw-equipped
- Standard Units | Rampaging Small Stubby
- Standard Units | Rampaging Small Biped
- Standard Units | Rampaging Medium Biped
- Desert Machines | Small Stubby
- Desert Machines | Small Stubby: Saw-equipped
- Desert Machines | Small Biped: Sword-equipped
- Desert Machines | Medium Biped: Sword-equipped
- Desert Machines | Medium Biped: Shield-equipped
- Desert Machines | Medium Biped: Electromagnetic Shield-equipped
- Desert Machines | Goliath Biped
- Desert Machines | Small Flyer
- Desert Machines | Medium Flyer
- Desert Machines | Medium Flyer: Kamikaze Unit
- Desert Machines | Medium Flyer: Gunner x2, Kamikaze x2
- Amusement Park Machines | Small Stubby
- Amusement Park Machines | Small Biped
- Amusement Park Machines | Medium Biped: Gun-equipped
- Amusement Park Machines | Small Flyer
- Amusement Park Machines | Medium Flyer
- Amusement Park Machines | Medium Flyer: Kamikaze Unit
- Amusement Park Machines | Medium Flyer: Gunner x2, Kamikaze x2
- Amusement Park Machines | Rampaging Small Biped
- Amusement Park Machines | Rampaging Medium biped
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Small Stubby
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Small Biped: Spear-equipped
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Medium Biped: Spear-equipped
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Medium Biped: Shield-equipped
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Medium Biped: Electromagnetic Shield-equipped
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Medium Quadruped
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Goliath Biped: Enhanced Legpower Model
- Forest Kingdom Machines | Small Flyer
- Factory Machines | Small Stubby
- Factory Machines | Small Stubby: Kamikaze Unit
- Factory Machines | Small Biped: Torch-equipped
- Factory Machines | Small Biped: Axe-equipped
- Factory Machines | Medium Biped: Axe-equipped
- Factory Machines | Medium Quadruped
- Factory Machines | Small Flyer
- Village Machines | Small Stubby
- Village Machines | Multi-tier Type
- Village Machines | Small Biped
- Village Machines | Medium Biped
- Village Machines | Goliath Biped
- Village Machines | Small Flyer
- Village Machines | Small Sphere
- Village Machines | Jean-Paul
- Village Machines | Pascal
- Village Machines | Father Machine
- Village Machines | Mother Machine
- Village Machines | Child Machine
- Village Machines | Big Sister Machine
- Village Machines | Little Sister Machine
- Village Machines | Scientist Machine
- Village Machines | Weird Machine
- Enhanced Machines | Small Stubby
- Enhanced Machines | Multi-tier Type
- Enhanced Machines | Multi-tier Type: Gun-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Small Biped
- Enhanced Machines | Medium Biped
- Enhanced Machines | Medium Quadruped
- Enhanced Machines | Multi-leg Medium Model: Long-range
- Enhanced Machines | Multi-leg Medium Model: Close-range
- Enhanced Machines | Goliath Biped
- Enhanced Machines | Goliath Biped: Enhanced Legpower Model
- Enhanced Machines | Reverse-jointed Goliath
- Enhanced Machines | Small Flyer
- Enhanced Machines | Medium Flyer
- Enhanced Machines | Medium Flyer: Kamikaze Unit
- Enhanced Machines | Medium Flyer: Gunner x2, Kamikaze x2
- Enhanced Machines | Small Sphere: Axe-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Small Sphere: Drill-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Small Shpere: Gun-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Linked-sphere Type: Thorn-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Linked-sphere Type: Saw-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Linked-sphere Type: Drill-equipped
- Enhanced Machines | Linked-sphere Type: Gun-equipped
- EMP Attack Machines | Small Stubby
- EMP Attack Machines | Small Biped
- EMP Attack Machines | Medium Biped
- EMP Attack Machines | Goliath Biped
- Special Unit Machines | Marx
- Special Unit Machines | Engels
- Special Unit Machines | Adam: First Encounter
- Special Unit Machines | Adam: Battle in the Alien Ship
- Special Unit Machines | Adam: Final Battle
- Special Unit Machines | Eve: First Encounter
- Special Unit Machines | Eve: Battle in the Alien Ship
- Special Unit Machines | Eve: Final Battle
- Special Unit Machines | Goliath Tank (Amusement Park)
- Special Unit Machines | Simone
- Special Unit Machines | Goliath Flyer
- Special Unit Machines | Grun
- Special Unit Machines | Immanuel
- Special Unit Machines | Ernst
- Special Unit Machines | Kierkagaard
- Special Unit Machines | So-Shi
- Special Unit Machines | Boku-Shi
- Special Unit Machines | Hegel
- Special Unit Machines | Goliath Tank
- Special Unit Machines | Auguste
- Special Unit Machines | Friedrich
- Special Unit Machines | Ko-Shi
- Special Unit Machines | Ro-Shi
- Special Unit Machines | Ko-Shi & Ro-shi
- Special Unit Machines | Red Girl
- Androids | YoRHa (Standard Armament)
- Androids | YoRHa (Heavy Armament)
- Androids | YoRHa (Flight Unit)
- Androids | YoRHa (Operator)
- Androids | 8B
- Androids | 22B
- Androids | 64B
- Androids | 21O
- Androids | 2B Copy
- Androids | 9S
- Androids | A2
- Peculiar Machines | Corageous Brother
- Peculiar Machines | Hateful Sister
- Peculiar Machines | Vengeful Child
- Peculiar Machines | Gold Tank
- Peculiar Machines | Gold Goliath Biped
- Peculiar Machines | Goliath Tank (Desert)
- Peculiar Machines | Gunman Biped
- Peculiar Machines | Guman Flyer
- Peculiar Machines | Gunman Stubby
- Peculiar Machines | Blood-drenched Machine
- Peculiar Machines | Amusement Park Rabbit
- Peculiar Machines | Zombie Clown
- Peculiar Machines | Animal Machine
- Peculiar Machines | Gravekeeper
- Peculiar Machines | Monster Type
- Peculiar Machines | Dying Goliath Biped
- Amicable Machines | Machine with a Dream
- Amicable Machines | Machine in Love
- Amicable Machines | Machine with Makeup
- Amicable Machines | Romeo
- Amicable Machines | Juliet
- Amicable Machines | Father Servo: Red Belt
- Amicable Machines | Father Servo: White Belt
- Amicable Machines | Father Servo: Brown Belt
- Amicable Machines | Father Servo: Black Belt
- Amicable Machines | Father Servo: Red and White Belt
- Amicable Machines | Animal-loving Machine
- Amicable Machines | High-speed Machine
- Amicable Machines | Masamune
- ??? | Emil
- ??? | Emil Clones
Not knowing which you missed, I couldn’t tell you where to start hunting, though.
Original Link – Continuation of discussion
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