Civilization 6 – Sweden Guide.
Unique Ability
Nobel Prize
- Gain +50 Diplomatic Favor upon earning a Great Person
- +1 Great Engineer point from Factories
- +1 Great Scientist point from Universities
- Add three unique World Congress competitions from the Industrial Era onwards
Unique Unit
- Unit type: Anti-cavalry
- Requires: Metal Casting tech
- Replaces: Pike and Shot
- 250 Production cost (Standard Speed)
- Required resource: none
- 3 Gold Maintenance
- 55 Combat Strength
- +10 Combat Strength against Cavalry units
- +3 Combat Strength per unused Movement point
- 3 Movement
Unique Infrastructure
Open-Air Museum
- Infrastructure type: Improvement
- Requires: Nationalism civic
- +2 Culture and +2 Tourism for each type of terrain in which at least one Swedish city is founded on
- +2 Loyalty per turn in this city
- Can only be built once per city
- Tiles with an Open-Air Museum cannot be swapped between cities
Leader: Kristina
Leader Ability
Minerva of the North
Buildings with at least three Great Work slots and wonders with at least two Great Work slots are automatically themed when filled
Leader Unique Infrastructure
Queen’s Bibliotheque
- Infrastructure type: Building
- Requires: Tier 2 Government and Tier 1 Government Building
- 217 Production cost (Standard Speed)
- 2 Gold Maintenance
- +2 Great Writer points per turn
- +2 Great Artist points per turn
- +2 Great Musician points per turn
- +2 Great Works of Writing slots
- +2 Great Works of Art slots
- +2 Great Works of Music slots
- Awards +1 Governor Title
- Cannot be built if Foreign Ministry, Grand Master’s Chapel, or Intelligence Agency building has already been built in the district
- Tries to collect as many Great Works as she can
- Likes civilizations who do not compete with Great Works
- Dislikes civilizations who have a lot of Great Works
Original Link – Continuation of discussion
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