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Guide to Fishing – Warframe

Warframe Fishing

This a complete guide to fishing and I will try to cover as many topics as I can, if you have any topic suggestions or any information that I missed feel free to post it in the comments or send it directly to me.

Since the patch has only been recently released I am still collecting data so expect this to be incomplete and to be expanded further as time progresses.

NOTE: You can see asked questions in the comments and I will also answer them there so CHECK COMMENTS.

Getting Started

To begin fishing you’re going to have to visit Cetus on Earth. Once on cetus go to Hai-Luk the fish vendor (marked with a blue fish icon on the mini map), there you’ll be able to purchase you first fishing spear. The first fishing spear will cost you 500 Ostron standing, once you have bought it yo need to equip it into you Gear Wheel and you’re ready to go.

When you go out into the plains any body of water that’s deep enough to fully submerge your warframe will contain fish, anything more shallow and no fish will spawn. Here is an example a water that’s to shallow to fish in:


Lanzo Fishing Spear (The first one to buy)


In this section I will show you some good fishing spots that I found, I will also add a location (marked on the map) as well as which fish spawn there.


  • (day, night, dawn) = the time of day the fish are spawning
  • [final] = I fished for long enough to be sure that I have seen every fish that spawns during
    this period
  • [notfinal] = I’m not sure if I have seen all the fish during this period

NOTE 2: There are three types of bodies of water in the Plains: Lake, Pond, and Ocean (all of the coastal bodies of water are Ocean and the inland ones are either Ponds or Lakes, in case of lakes the Sunken Sentient seems to be the only one so far), from now all locations will have their type listed. Different fish spawn in different types of bodies of water so you will also be able to find in which kind of body of water a certain fish spawns.

(Disclosure: The names are made up by me)

1. The Sunken Sentient

Body of water type: Lake
Fish: Mawfish; Charc Eel (day) [final] Charc Eel (night) [final]

Promptly named after the giant statue of a Sentient in the middle of it this location features two great fishing spots.

By jumping on the left rock and going all the way down you reach the second spot.

2. The Solemn Stone Lake

NOTE: Because it only spawns Mortus Lungfish at night this is a great place to go fish, standing farming.

Body of water type: Pond
Fish: Yogwun; Khut-Khut; Mortus Lungfish (day) [final] Mortus Lungfish (night) [final]

3. The Whitewater Cascades

Body of water type: Pond
Fish: Yogwun; Mortus Lungfish; Khut-Khut (day) [final] Mortus Lungfish (night) [final]

A little bit upstream of the first spot

4. Shark’s Shadow

Body of water type: Ocean
Fish: Sharrac; Tralok; Goopolla (day) [final] Karkina (dawn/evening) [final] Goopolla (night) [final]

5. The Peering Pillar

Body of water type: Ocean
Fish: Goopolla; Tralok (day) [final] Goopolla (night) [final]

6. The Little Lake

Body of water type: Pond
Fish: Yogwun, Khut-Khut, Mortus Lungfish (day) [final] Mortus Lungflish (night) [final]

This is great little fishing spot with good protrusions onto water in form of rocks and a sentient sculpture. The only downside to it is the fact that it’s near a Grineer Base, so come prepared!

7. The Two Rock Pond

Body of water type: Pond
Fish: Yogwun, Khut-Khut, Mortus Lungfish (day) [final] Mortus Lungflish (night) [final]

Rather remote and peaceful, this spot was named after the two rocks facing each other on the main fishing bank, it offers a good place to fish without much disturbance.


Once on your desired fishing spot, there are couple of tactics that you can utilize to improve your chances of catching fish.
(all of these I have learned from experience and they work for me however, I do not claim that they will 100% time work as you want.)

NOTE: Fish spawn when you take out your spear, however, some spots spawn multiple species of fish some of which require different spears to be caught with. For more information reffer to the “Gear” section of the guide under subsection “Spears”.

1. Let’s set some ground rules

  • In order for fish to spawn you need to have your spear equipped and to hold it. Further, standing close to water improves the spawn rates.

  • Fish are easily scared. If you throw and miss all of the fish in the area will start to swim quickly and it will take some time for them to calm down again. This also applies if you touch and stir the water.

NOTE: Gara does not make ripples in water or startle fish.

NOTE 2: When you miss the fish swim AWAY from your crosshair, by taking care of your crosshair placement you can make distant fish come swimming towards or scare the ones close to you really far away.

2. Strategies

1. Fully viable

  • You can listen to hear fish that you cannot see. Some fish are small or hidden or a bit far away or you might not even be sure if any have spawned yet. You can always make sure by listening closely. Fish make a distinct sloshig/splashing sound, each fish makes a double splashing sound in short time intervals so if you are keen-eared you can even tell if there are more fish in the water around you just by listening.
  • To spot or keep track of fish you can bullet-jump directly upwards, look down and press right-click to glide. From on above you’ll have a better view at the water around you.

  • When aiming at the fish make sure to aim more towards their heads and not at the mid7tail sections of their bodies, this will improve your chances of hitting them.

  • Using bait, bait encompasses a set of consumable items used to lure specific fish groups or specific fish species and thus make them spawn. The general principle is easy. Come up to your desired fishing location, press q and choose a spear from your gear menu, then press q again to open the fishing tools menu, all of your crafted baits and dyes will be available to you there. Click on a bait to select it. Then to use it aim your crosshair slightly above the head level of your warframe and in the direction of water then lastly press your middle mouse button (mouse wheel) to throw the bait. For additional information on bait and how to use it reffer to the “Gear” and the “Rare Fish” sections of the guide respectively.

Note: Bait works best if thrown into the water swirls/areas where water is foaming (this is especially true for special bait) in used without such swirls it will, seemingly, increase the spawn rates of fish it is used for (this doesn’t seem to be true for special bait, cuthol, murkray etc., only for twilight and peppered baits).

  • If you own Ivara you can use her zipline ability to make tightropes just above the surface of water, you can also fish from these and they are a great way to reach some tough to reach spots and if you lay many of them over a surface of water you can easily chase fish. You can also use Ivara’s Navigator to directly control the spear to the fish.

NOTE: “[…] fishing while on Ivara wire is a bit funky. press M1 to ‘charge’ your throw and M2 to instantly release it. also note that the spear trajectory when thrown from Ivara’s wire doesn’t follow the traditional trajectory when standing on solid ground. I’m 99% sure this is unintentional”

NOTE 2: “Just a note with the Ivara (Bug?) if you shoot/M1 near the fish it will sometimes spook them even though the spear doesn’t fly out until you aim/M2. So if you aim and shoot/m1 at the sky first then you can aim/m2 at the fish without them trying to flee.”

  • If you’re fishing in the dark or during the dawn when the vision is especially poor and there’s a lot of glare you can press Escape and go into Options>Display, then set your Brightness to 100 and the contrast to around 25. this should greatly improve fish visibility in poor lighting.

ADDITIONALLY: 1. Disabling the ‘Local Reflections’ in the Display Options can greaty increase the visibility of fish, especially when ocean fishing.

ADDITIONALLY: 2. Generally, I find that you want to try to have the sun be behind you, or at least
not directly in front of you, just for visibility.

  • Entering Limbo’s Rift near the edge of water (so that it extends onto the water) will outline any fish in the rift, the outline is faint but still helpful.
  • You can use Volt’s passive to gain damage for making any spear work against any fish.

2. Semi-Viable

To improve your fish spawn rates and thereby chances of catching bigger fish I suggest always leaving one small fish alive. In my personal experience I always found it more efficient that way. I caught a lot of big fish by leaving one small alive and then waiting in the same spot for 10-15s walking around he spot a bit and returning to my position.

Some fish I caught this way:

  • Another thing that might improve the spawn rates for you is keeping your spear aimed.

  • Standing close to the water is known to improve the fish behaviour (they often come to you) and spawn rates.



Spears are your main tool as a fisher in the Plains, currently there are three spears available in the game. The spears each come with a description and the price which you can see in the images below.

1. Lanzo

List of fish caught with the “Lanzo” spear: Mawfish, Charc Eel, Khut-Khut, Yogwun, Mortus Lungfish, Goopolla, Karkina, Sharrac, Murkray.

2. Tulok

List of fish caught with the “Tulok” spear: Mawfish, Charc Eel, Khut-Khut, Yogwun, Tralok, Goopolla, Sharrac, Karkina.

3. Peram

List of fish caught with the “Peram” spear: Norg.

Bait & Dyes

NOTE: I won’t show you how to USE BAIT in this section, you can find out how to use bait in the “Tactics” and the “Rare Fish” sections of the guide. This here are only brief descriptions of bait and dye that disclose everything shown in the game and perhaps a bit more.

Peppered Bait

As the description says Peppered Bait is used to lure out fish that spawn during the day (to see which fish spawn when check the “Fish Profiles” or the “Locations” section of the guide).

NOTE: The bait will only work for fish that spawn in that type of body of water, you can’t make ocean fish spawn in lakes and or ponds (and vice versa) with bait although they fit the bait profile.

NOTE 2: There was a known bug where Peppered Bait would lure out rare fish, this is
NO LONGER the case.

Twilight Bait

Twilight Bait is used to lure out PREDATORY fish that spawn during both day and night (to see which fish spawn when check the “Fish Profiles” or the “Locations” section of the guide, to see which fish are predators check the “Fish Profiles” Section of the guide). Twilight bait will lure those fish out regardless of the time of the day.

NOTE: The bait will only work for fish that spawn in that type of body of water, you can’t make ocean fish spawn in lakes and or ponds (and vice versa) with bait although they fit the bait profile.

Murkray Bat

This bait can only be used to lure out Murkrays. For more information on how to catch other rare fish like Murkrays visit the “Rare Fish” part of the guide.

Norg Bait

This bait can only be used to lure out Norgs. For more information on how to catch other rare fish like Norgs visit the “Rare Fish” part of the guide.

Cuthol Bait

This bait can only be used to lure out Cuthols. For more information on how to catch other rare fish like Cuthols visit the “Rare Fish” part of the guide.

Glappid Bait

This bait can only be used to lure out Glappids. For more information on how to catch other rare fish like Glappids visit the “Rare Fish” part of the guide.

  • Dyes

Luminos Dye

Luminos Dye highlights all the fish in a small radius around you and makes them easily visible, upon crafting it you get 10 charges and each lasts 2 mins. On specifics of using it visit the “Tactics” section of the guide.

A fish that’s been highlighted by the Luminos Dye.

Fish Profiles

NOTE: The locations are named by me to find where they are exactly reffer to the “Locations” section of the guide.

NOTE 2: Atm fish weight does not exceed 40.0 kg (applies only to the listed fish), unfortunately catching fish of this weight offers no special reward for now.

NOTE 3: The “[…] are found at […]” references under the fish list only ONE place where the fish a known to reliably spawn, it doesn’t mean that the fish only spawns at that location.

NOTE 4: Resource booster affects fish by doubling the amount caught.

1. Mawfish

Lake fish
Spawn during: DAY

Caught with: LANZO / TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)50; (M)35; (S)25
Items: (L) Fish Meat x5, Mawfish Bones x1, Fish Scales x3, Fish Oil x4
(M) Fish Meat x4, Mawfish Bones x1, Fish Scales x2, Fish Oil x3
(S) Fish Meat x3, Mawfish Bones x1, Fish Scales x1, Fish Oil x2
Mawfish are found at The Sunken Sentient

2. Charc Eel

Charc Eels glow faintly at night.

Lake fish
Spawn during: DAY / NIGHT

Caught with: LANZO / TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)50; (M)35; (S)25
Items: (L) Fish Meat x5, Charc Electroplax x1, Fish Scales x4, Fish Oil x3
(M) Fish Meat x4, Charc Electroplax x1, Fish Scales x3, Fish Oil x2
(S) Fish Meat x3, Charc Electroplax x1, Fish Scales x2, Fish Oil x1
Charch Eels are found at The Sunken Sentient

3. Yogwun

Pond fish
Spawn during: DAY

Caught with: LANZO / TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)50; (M)35; (S)25
Items: (L) Fish Meat x6, Yogwun Stomach x1, Fish Scales x3, Fish Oil x3
(M) Fish Meat x5, Yogwun Stomach x1, Fish Scales x2, Fish Oil x2
(S) Fish Meat x4, Yogwun Stomach x1, Fish Scales x1, Fish Oil x1
Yogwun are found at The Solemn Stone Lake and at The Whitewater Cascades

4. Khut Khut

Pond fish
Spawn during: DAY

Caught with: LANZO / TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)50; (M)35; (S)25
Items: (L) Fish Meat x4, Khut-Khut Venom Sac x1, Fish Scales x3, Fish Oil x5
(M) Fish Meat x3, Khut-Khut Venom Sac x1, Fish Scales x2, Fish Oil x4
(S) Fish Meat x2, Khut-Khut Venom Sac x1, Fish Scales x1, Fish Oil x3
Khut-Khut are found at The Solemn Stone Lake

5. Mortus Lungfish

Pond fish
Spawn during: DAY / NIGHT

Caught with: LANZO spear
Standing reward: (L)200; (M)125; (S)100
Items: (L) Fish Meat x5, Mortus Horn x1, Fish Scales x3, Fish Oil x8
(M) Fish Meat x4, Mortus Horn x1, Fish Scales x2, Fish Oil x6
(S) Fish Meat x3, Mortus Horn x1, Fish Scales x1, Fish Oil x4
Mortus Lungfish are found at The Solmn Stone Lake and at The Whitewater Cascades

6. Goopolla

Ocean fish
Spawn during: DAY / NIGHT

Caught with: LANZO / TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)50; (M)35; (S)25
Items: (L) Fish Meat x4, Goopolla Spleen x1, Fish Scales x5, Fish Oil x3
(M) Fish Meat x3, Goopolla Spleen x1, Fish Scales x4, Fish Oil x2
(S) Fish Meat x3, Goopolla Spleen x1, Fish Scales x2, Fish Oil x1
Goopolla are found at Shark’s Shadow and at The Peering Pillar

7. Tralok

Ocean fish
Spawn during: DAY

Caught with: TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)200; (M)125; (S)100
Items: (L) Fish Meat x4, Tralok Eyes x1, Fish Scales x9, Fish Oil x3
(M) Fish Meat x3, Tralok Eyes x1, Fish Scales x7, Fish Oil x2
(S) Fish Meat x2, Tralok Eyes x1, Fish Scales x5, Fish Oil x1
Tralok are found at Shark’s Shadow and at The Peering Pillar

8. Sharrac

Ocean fish
Spawn during: DAWN / DUSK

Caught with: LANZO/TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)200; (M)125; (S)100
Items: (L) Fish Meat x4, Sharrac Teeth x1, Fish Scales x8, Fish Oil x4
(M) Fish Meat x3, Sharrac Teeth x1, Fish Scales x6, Fish Oil x3
(S) Fish Meat x2, Sharrac Teeth x1, Fish Scales x4, Fish Oil x2
Sharracs are found at Shark’s Shadow
Sharracs can be lured out with “Twilight Bait”


Ocean fish
Spawn during: DAWN / DUSK

Caught with: LANZO/TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)200; (M)125; (S)100
Items: (L) Fish Meat x3, Karina Antenna x1, Fish Scales x 5, Fish Oil x8
(M) Fish Meat x2, Karina Antenna x1, Fish Scales x4, Fish Oil x6
(S) Fish Meat x1, Karina Antenna x1, Fish Scales x3, Fish Oil x4
Karinas are found at Shark’s Shadow
They spawn during the twilight hours and sometimes during the dawn (checked myself) but can be lured out at night or during the day with the “Twilight Bait”.
(^ Thanks Drunk Rando for the info)
NOTE: ct. “[…] At the moment karkinas have a VERY nasty habit of panic clipping into rocks, or frankly just spawning in them outright. They are the only fish ATM that I’ve seen actually move into the land, so their terrain collision might be goofy.”


Pond fish
Spawn during: NIGHT

Caught with: TULOK spear
Standing reward: (L)1000; (M)625; (S)500
Items: N/A
Cuthol if found at The Solemn Stone Lake, on how to catch them refer to the “Rare Fish” Section of the guide.


Ocean fish
Spawn during: DAY/NIGHT

Caught with: LANZO spear
Standing reward: (L)1000; (M)625; (S)500
Items: N/A
Murkrays are found near Shark’s Shadow, on how to catch them refer to the “Rare Fish” Section of the guide.

Rare Fish

The term “Rare Fish” refers to the following species of fish: Cuthol, Murkray, Norg, Glappid.

They all are very eluring and require special strategies and baits to be caught.

This section of the guide is aimed at the strategies used to catch rare fish as well as providing some additional information on rare fish. However it is not a representative of their complete profiles. Not unlike every other fish the rare fish’s profiles are found at the “Fish Profiles” section of the guide.

How to catch them


For all intents and purposes rare fish can only be caught by throwing their respective bait into a “hotspot” (a water swirl/an area of foaming water) [pictures coming soon], despite this extremely rare cases have been reported of people catching them without bait, however this tactic is NOT viable.


  1. Decide which fish you wanna catch and purchase its respective bait from Hai-Luk the fish vendor.
  2. Check the profile of that fish if it’s available, head to the location that the fish is known to spawn at the time of the day it spawn during and bring the necessary spear.
  3. Once at the spot equip the spear as usual and wait for the foaming/swirling water spots to appear.
  4. As the spots appear throw the bait for your fish into them or in their general direction, this will generally spawn one fish and consume the swirling area. Wait for another spot and repeat.

Original Link – Continuation of discussion

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